asl.conf doesn't take an effect on my enviroment OS X Yosemite


I'm trying to stop certain application's annoying logging, with no success so far. What I did is those things explained like in this question:

How to disable/ set logging level /preferences PER Mac OS X application?

But in anyways, the modification on asl.conf doesn't take any effect and those apps are still logging. How can I stop the logging of certain applications?

What I tried:

  1. Adding some of these lines in asl.conf:

    ? [= Sender Adobe Lightroom] file /dev/null

    ? [= Sender GoogleSoftwareUpdateAgent] ignore

    ? [= Facility libsystem_network] ignore

    ? [CA= Message tcp_connection_destination_prepare_complete] ignore

    ? [S= Sender] ignore

    ? [S= Sender com.adobe.Lightroom] ignore

  2. sudo killall -HUP syslogd

  3. sudo launchctl unload /System/Library/LaunchDaemons/
  4. sudo launchctl load /System/Library/LaunchDaemons/

Lightroom mobile and Google Update are spewing a large amount of logs and I really want to stop them... Any helps are appriciated, thank you in advance.


Posted 2015-06-24T13:32:42.987

Reputation: 21

I encounter the same problem. But it seems the rules are actually working, e.g. when I redirect a sender to a file, then this file is created and the log messages are appearing in it. But the messages also continue to spam the system.log too. – Haru – 2016-08-07T23:11:55.497



It seems adding those things to the global asl.conf doesn't has the expected effect the way the rules are handled.

A solution to this problem, I found, is to use separate asl/* configuration files for each filter. Those files must be stored in /etc/asl/

e.g. to ignore "com.example.Sender" and filter its log spam from system.log we could create a file /etc/asl/com.example.Sender with the following content:

? [= Sender com.example.Sender] claim only
* ignore

The claim only for the match (a "Sender" in the example) causes the rules in the master asl.conf to be ignored which means things won't end up in system.log.

This worked like a charm for me (after I almost went berserk with the main asl.conf).


Posted 2015-06-24T13:32:42.987

Reputation: 121