7zip only asks me for a password once when I open an encrypted file


I archived some files on my laptop and encrypted them using 7zip and the first time I tried to open a file, it asks for the password, but after that it never asks for a password... is there a way to fix this?

What's strange is the exact same method worked fine on my old laptop (which is windows 7), but not on my new laptop (windows 8)



Posted 2015-06-18T17:59:17.763

Reputation: 111

Very related

– Ramhound – 2015-06-18T18:13:27.290

I tried archiving twice but I had the same problem :/ – MattBurrows – 2015-06-18T18:17:56.213

also http://superuser.com/questions/871816/how-to-prevent-7-zip-encrypted-zip-file-passwords-from-being-stored-on-the-hard "You can open an encrypted ZIP file. But to get to the data inside the ZIP file in any useful way you'll be prompted for a password" So you need to check to see if your archive is actually password protected, and apon extraction see if it fully extracts, then see if the data it extracted is actually valid. Although it would usually warn when the password entered wrong, it can (not will) make a wrongly extracted mess, with the wrong password, it just wont be correct..

– Psycogeek – 2015-06-18T19:43:24.267

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