Update certificate in Outlook contacts


How can I update an encryption security in Outlook contacts?

I got an email signed with an updated certificate by someone who is already in my contacts with an expired certificate.

If I REPLY to that email, I can encrypt my reply and it works. However, if I try to make a new email to the same contact it does not work.

If I right-click on the From: field of the new email from the contact, and choose Add to Contacts, in other words try to create a brand new contact record (with the new certificate), it does not create a new Contact, it just brings up the old contact record with the old, expired certificate in it.

Tyler Durden

Posted 2015-06-09T17:14:58.683

Reputation: 4 710

Have you try to remove old certificate? Have you try to install new certificate? – Romeo Ninov – 2015-06-09T18:00:18.900

@RomeoNinov That was the key. I removed the old certificate. Then, when I re-added the contact, the certificate was updated. Thanks very much. – Tyler Durden – 2015-06-09T19:12:24.303

Tyler, do you want me to make it as answer? – Romeo Ninov – 2015-06-09T19:22:03.230



The option to update the contact with the new certificate no longer exists in the newest Outlook version (2016/365). This was available for 2007/2010/2013.

You must delete the contact containing the old certificate, and then add the contact anew.

Frustrated Microsoft User

Posted 2015-06-09T17:14:58.683

Reputation: 31


In Outlook 2013 it's a little convoluted.

First, export the new certificate from the email. You do this by clicking on the certificate icon, click on Details, highlight bottom security layer and click View Details, click on View Certificate, change to the Details tab and click on Copy to File. You can then run through the Export Certificate wizard.

Once that's done, close all those windows and open the contact in your Address Book. Click on Certificates to view all the certificates presently attached to the contact. On the right, click on Import and select the file you just created.

Once that's imported, you can highlight the new one and click on Set as Default. If there's still an issue, you can Remove the old certificates, but that will remove your ability to verify old emails.


Posted 2015-06-09T17:14:58.683

Reputation: 101


From https://www.msoutlook.info/question/727

Key Outlook 2013: HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Office\15.0\Common\Contactcard

Key Outlook 2016: HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Office\16.0\Common\Contactcard

Then add new DWORD-32 bit Value Value name: turnonlegacygaldialog Value type: REG_DWORD Value: 1

worked for us.


Posted 2015-06-09T17:14:58.683

Reputation: 1


Hover over the sender's name, select the options button on the right of the popup, then add to your contacts. Outlook will prompt you to add to existing contact, so just choose the contact you have already. This will update any info that has changed, in this case the certificate. I feel for you--this one took me a long time to figure out.


Posted 2015-06-09T17:14:58.683


This does not work unless the old certificate is deleted first. – Tyler Durden – 2015-06-09T21:45:02.567

No? That's how I got mine to update. I wonder if it's different between Outlook versions. – None – 2015-06-09T22:12:31.990