coredumps 'can only dump core to fully qualified path!'


I have a question about generating a coredumps under Debian.

First, I enable the feature trough this command :

ulimit -c unlimited

Next I create a Segmentation fault but I have this error :

[107356.139862] level0[5616]: segfault at 61616161 ip 61616161 sp bffff730 error 14
[107356.139877] Pid 5616(level0) can only dump core to fully qualified path!
[107356.139879] Skipping core dump

I get this message with :


What 'can only dump core to fully qualified path!' that means ?

Thank you friends

Toufik Airane

Posted 2015-06-07T20:01:41.240

Reputation: 21



Core dumps are stored in the location configured by kernel.core_pattern sysctl. For example:

# sysctl kernel.core_pattern

kernel.core_pattern = /var/log/core/core.%t.%e.%p

In some situations, the core_pattern must be a full path, starting with a /. So if the setting just says core or core.%p (referring to the current directory), you will need to adjust it with sysctl.


Posted 2015-06-07T20:01:41.240

Reputation: 283 655