How to use passifox with keepassX ?


I found a fork of keepassX with a built-in support for HTTP but I have absolutely no idea how to make it work with passifox. I didn't found any doc neither.

I already have keefox + keepass with mono but this is unconvenient.

What should be done to link passifox and keepassX ?



Posted 2015-06-05T03:36:02.927

Reputation: 155



Well, nothing was needed.

It appears that Keefox was causing troubles. Once disabled, passifox can communicate with keepassX and everything works.


Posted 2015-06-05T03:36:02.927

Reputation: 155


Well passifox and keepasshttp both require Keepass v2. Unless you are using the alpha version of KeepassX, it will not be possible because v1 uses Keepass v1 databases.

I would suggest contacting the KeepassX authors and discussing with them.

UPDATE: OK, I can see that the fork does use the alpha v2 version. Again though I suggest contacting the author.

Julian Knight

Posted 2015-06-05T03:36:02.927

Reputation: 13 389