./configure: bdw-gc not found when building Inkscape from source


What is the common way to investigate on this issue that appears during ./configure?

configure: error: Package requirements (bdw-gc      >= 7.1
                  cairo       >= 1.10
                  cairomm-1.0 >= 1.9.8
                  glib-2.0    >= 2.28
                  glibmm-2.4  >= 2.28
                  gthread-2.0 >= 2.0
                  libpng      >= 1.2
                  libxml-2.0  >= 2.6.11
                  libxslt     >= 1.0.15
                  pango       >= 1.24
                  pangoft2    >= 1.24
                  sigc++-2.0  >= 2.0.12
                  ) were not met:

No package 'bdw-gc' found

I just downloaded and built bdw-gc from https://github.com/ivmai/bdwgc/

I guess the problem is maybe because bdw-gc was installed into /usr/local/bin, not /usr/local

I tried this:

LDFLAGS=-L/usr/local/lib LIBS=-lgc ./configure


Posted 2015-06-02T13:12:47.277

Reputation: 1 779



bdw-gc refers to the Boehm-Demers-Weiser garbage collector for C and C++. You need to install the gc-devel or libgc-dev package.

In openSUSE:

zypper install gc-devel

In Fedora:

yum install gc-devel

In Ubuntu:

apt-get install libgc-dev

Here's more information:

$ yum search boehm
======================= Description & URL Matched: boehm =======================
gc.x86_64 : A garbage collector for C and C++
gc.i686 : A garbage collector for C and C++
============================== URL Matched: boehm ==============================
gc-devel.i686 : Libraries and header files for gc development
gc-devel.x86_64 : Libraries and header files for gc development


$ apt-cache search boehm
libgc-dev - conservative garbage collector for C (development)
libgc1c2 - conservative garbage collector for C and C++

David Hamner

Posted 2015-06-02T13:12:47.277

Reputation: 27


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