Radeon 4670 Card Has 2 DVI Outs But Only Works When One is used in Windows 7 x64


I have an ATI XFX Radeon 4670 1GB video card in a Windows 7 Ultimate x64 setup. If I only use one monitor, all is well. If I plug in a second DVI cable to the card, both monitors go dark. I can get one or the other to display, but only when it is the only one plugged into the card. I'm really hoping for a dual-monitor setup here as that was the point of the card. I'm using ATI Radeon HD 4600 Series video drivers dated 11/24/09 (8.681.0.0) which are the latest from their site and are supposed to work with Vista or Windows 7 x64.

When the computer boots with both displays connected, both monitors display the inital BIOS and boot screens. The Windows 7 splash screen also displays, but by the time it goes to the login screen, one monitor is offline.


Posted 2010-01-05T20:01:33.580

Reputation: 151

Question was closed 2011-08-05T06:24:10.880

Oh, and trying to reinstall either the 9.12 or 9.11 drivers results in the CATALYST Install Manager crashing: Problem signature: Problem Event Name: APPCRASH Application Name: InstallManagerApp.exe Application Version: 3.0.750.0 Application Timestamp: 4af194f1 Fault Module Name: MFC80U.DLL Fault Module Version: 8.0.50727.1833 Fault Module Timestamp: 482bb4a2 – ssmith – 2010-01-05T20:28:49.250



Right click on your desktop, click on "Screen Resolution."

You should see both monitors there, and a drop down list box labelled "Multiple Displays"...you should select something that makes sense for whatever setup you want, such as "Extend."

If you don't see both monitors there, there's a high chance that Molly7244's driver issue is in play.

David Chen

Posted 2010-01-05T20:01:33.580

Reputation: 454

Also there's a pretty good chance that you're using ATI and not nVidia. Oh snap! – ta.speot.is – 2011-08-05T05:54:05.860

Erm... the user asking this question hasn't been seen in over a year, and drivers have changed substantially since then. Not really worth answering at this point. – nhinkle – 2011-08-05T06:23:57.107

Oh snap, didn't even notice. – David Chen – 2011-08-05T07:17:00.323


When the computer boots with both displays connected, both monitors display the inital bios and boot screens.

sound pretty much like a driver problem alright, try an older driver.


Posted 2010-01-05T20:01:33.580


Thanks! I grabbed 9.11 from the link you provided but it crashes when I try to run it. – ssmith – 2010-01-05T20:29:22.040