How to capture stream from


I want to capture a streaming video from How can I do that?


Posted 2015-05-21T10:14:01.840

Reputation: 470

1Is this even legal? – Dave – 2015-05-21T10:36:12.283



alternative solution for the commandline zsh and curl (Linux/Mac)

idea: collect all the video parts and paste them into one file, can run in a shell in background, you have to know the starting url and the number of pieces

  • got to Chrome developer tools - network tab
  • when the stream starts you see an url like:
  • the _b8000000 stands for the video quality, so _b12000000 is better/bigger
  • the number before .ts stands for the video part
  • fast forward to the end of the video and get the last number, eg. 444
  • copy url of a video part with right mouse menu / copy link address
  • now get all the part in commend line with the tool curl
  • use a loop from 1..444 with variable i - in url change the number into eg _1.ts into _${i}.ts
  • paste alle the video parts into one file myvideo.mp4 using >>
  • in command line use zsh (runs in Linux or MacOS)

    for i in {1..444}; do echo "* video part $i ..."; curl URL >> myvideo.mp4; done
  • when you paste your URL at the place of URL be aware to escape special characters eg. =&? with \

working example:

zsh> for i in {1..444}; do echo "* video part $i ..."; curl${i}.ts\?keys\=h9bDPql-rzDe-44uEorcTA\&keyt\=1457916109 >> mymovie.mp4; done

now you should see some output like this:

* video part 1 ...
  % Total    % Received % Xferd  Average Speed   Time    Time     Time  Current
                                 Dload  Upload   Total   Spent    Left  Speed
100 1441k  100 1441k    0     0   486k      0  0:00:02  0:00:02 --:--:--  486k
* video part 2 ...
  % Total    % Received % Xferd  Average Speed   Time    Time     Time  Current
                                 Dload  Upload   Total   Spent    Left  Speed
100 1438k  100 1438k    0     0   475k      0  0:00:03  0:00:03 --:--:--  475k


Posted 2015-05-21T10:14:01.840

Reputation: 21

Thanks, this was very helpful! One minor comment: in my case, the numbering of the parts started from 0 instead of 1. – thSoft – 2017-11-28T22:03:00.030


  • Start to play the video
  • Open Google Chrome's Developer Tools' Network tab
  • Search for playlist.m3u8, click on the item's URL and copy the Request URL
  • In VLC, select File > Open Network...
  • Paste the URL
  • To capture the whole stream:
    • Check Streaming/saving, click Settings... and choose the output file
    • Click Open and VLC will start capturing
  • To capture a part of the stream:
    • Click Open
    • Navigate to 4-5 seconds before the desired part
    • Select Playback > Record


Posted 2015-05-21T10:14:01.840

Reputation: 470