How to uninstall flux on linux?



Flux is a lighting app which malfunctions on my laptop. I tried

sudo apt-get remove flux

in the terminal, but it responds with "the package doesn't exist".

Erlja Jkdf.

Posted 2015-05-16T22:10:37.497

Reputation: 251



To uninstall f.lux, you need to do this:

sudo apt-get remove fluxgui


Posted 2015-05-16T22:10:37.497

Reputation: 4 778

Also worth noting that you can use dpkg-query --list | grep flux to find an actual package name, if you've forgotten it. – Archimaredes – 2017-04-26T23:35:12.983


To uninstall:

sudo rm -rf /usr/local/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/{fluxgui/,f.lux_indicator*}
sudo rm /usr/local/share/icons/hicolor/scalable/apps/fluxgui.* 
sudo rm /usr/local/share/applications/fluxgui.desktop
sudo rm /usr/local/bin/{xflux,fluxgui}
rm -rf ~/.gconf/apps/fluxgui/

sudo is used to become root, your password will be asked the first time.

Jeevan Maddu

Posted 2015-05-16T22:10:37.497

Reputation: 49

2Not recommended - should always use the package manager for uninstallation for consistency, ideally. – Archimaredes – 2017-04-26T23:34:03.173



sudo apt-get remove 

and partial app name and press Tab.  It will automatically fill the name of the application you want to remove.

rushabh shah

Posted 2015-05-16T22:10:37.497

Reputation: 21