Header Error while re-muxing


I get a header error: http://pastie.org/private/9lqyvhyotnh1o4gp6rg5g#37

With this script:

for %%a in ("*.mkv") do D:\Programme\Converter\ffmpeg\bin\ffmpeg.exe -i "%%a" -c:v copy -c:a copy "%%~na.mp4"


Can anyone help me? I already had this thread: .MKV to .MP4 with 2 soundtrack (audio)

But seems that no ones there anymore, so I try to ask for this error in a seperate question (other question than the other thread).

Benjamin Schäfer

Posted 2015-05-15T03:08:57.907

Reputation: 1

Question was closed 2015-05-15T06:33:39.220

Didn't you say the file played fine? Seems to be a bug mentioned in another post. – slhck – 2015-05-15T06:31:53.523

Yes, but the error message is strange.. And on my older sony, sometimes the "image freezes". So I don't know if it is the "error" in the file, or if it's just the older Sony TV, who can't handle HD .mp4 well. – Benjamin Schäfer – 2015-05-16T10:16:27.000

From my experience, TVs generally have a few compatibility issues. When you try -flags global_header, does it work? – slhck – 2015-05-16T10:36:24.093

Seems so. Never had a frozen image. But the files are 200mb (short videos). The other big video was ~1.5GB. I have to remux the 1.5GB file with global_header, to be sure. – Benjamin Schäfer – 2015-05-18T11:30:20.520

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