How to group chat with upto 1000 people?


We are a newly formed housing society with around 400 houses and upto 800 members. We want to set up a group chat among us via any app which is cross platform (Windows, Android, iOS).

We have tried:

  • WhatsApp but it has a limit of 100.
  • Telegram increases the limit up to 200 and
  • Skype 300.

But none of these are sufficient.

Is there any way to increase the limit of any of these applications for up to a 1000 people to chat together?


Posted 2015-05-13T05:26:28.670

Reputation: 1 778



If still relevant, you can go back to Telegram, it supports up to 100,000 members in a group (a supergroup, to be precise), and has apps for most platforms.

It also have nice admin and moderation tools to help you manage such enormous groups.


Posted 2015-05-13T05:26:28.670

Reputation: 1 913


IRC (Internet Relay Chat). IRC apps are available in every platform.

some user

Posted 2015-05-13T05:26:28.670

Reputation: 2 022

Please explain your answer. Is this available for phones/tablets? How to set it up? Any links? – Mayank – 2015-05-13T06:40:59.260

You could probably use a client for the phone or tablet, or set up a webui. While irc dosen't log by default, having a bot for transcripts is fairly common. Having that many people talk simultaniously though would be tricky – Journeyman Geek – 2015-05-13T06:46:22.217