How can I audit performance while screen is asleep to troubleshoot audio issues?


I am having issues with my audio being choppy when my laptop's screen goes to sleep.

Specifically, I want a log of the following:

  • Applications' resource usage
  • Any resource spikes

Any recommendations?

Belmin Fernandez

Posted 2015-05-09T21:54:28.070

Reputation: 2 691

Resource Monitor and Process Monitor. – Karan – 2015-05-11T08:17:26.187

@Karan ProcMon is exactly what I needed. Please submit as answer. Thanks!! – Belmin Fernandez – 2015-05-13T00:51:45.577



You can use Process Monitor to monitor and log a whole host of information about a process, including capturing various process details, full thread stacks for each operation, real-time file system/Registry/process & thread activity, CPU/RAM usage and much more.



Posted 2015-05-09T21:54:28.070

Reputation: 51 857