Tracing to disk in VICE


The Versatile Commodore Emulator's monitor facility has support for tracing execution via the trace command. The (default?) behaviour of this command is to start writing out two lines per trace point encountered into the monitor.

However, the monitor window has a scrollback buffer of only 1000 lines. This means only the last 500 trace messages can be seen between two subsequent invocations of the monitor.

Is there a way to dump the trace log to a file instead?


Posted 2015-05-09T10:03:26.953

Reputation: 173

Are you running it on Windows or another OS? And is the monitor's output going into its own window, or to the terminal/command prompt window you started VICE from (if you didn't start it from an icon)? – echristopherson – 2015-08-04T03:33:51.250

This is on Linux, and the monitor pops up in its own window. If it was tracing to the terminal, I could just redirect it to a file myself using pipes... – Cactus – 2015-08-04T03:42:05.977

Yes, that's what I was going to suggest. Sorry I don't know about doing that with the monitor window; perhaps you could ask at .

– echristopherson – 2015-08-04T04:03:29.437

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