Logitech Keyboard on MacBook Pro - right Ctrl key not mapping correctly


I have a MacBook Pro, and plugged in a wireless mouse/keyboard combo. Mouse works fine. Because of my PC familiarity I go to:

System Preferences > Keyboard > Modifier Keys

And switch the inputs for Command and Control. Everything works great, except that the RIGHT Ctrl key does not behave the same as the left Ctrl key.

This has the annoying effect that commands like Ctrl-C for copy or Ctrl-V for paste require I move my right hand over to do the action. Anway this model of Logitech keyboard has no Command key on the right side, and I don't like the inboard location of the Command key anyway. Can anyone tell me how to make the right Control key do the same as the left one?

Oliver Williams

Posted 2015-05-04T16:18:53.020

Reputation: 263

I'm having the same problem. The left ctrl and alt keys seem to generate different keycodes, but the right ctrl and alt keys seem to generate the same right-alt keycode when pressed, which means the OSX doesn't appear to differentiate between the two. – tohster – 2015-11-26T20:43:42.037



It is because your keyboard is not compatible with Mac. I ran into the same problem so I checked the box that the mouse and keyboard came in and it only said compatible with Windows.

Jeremy Rivers

Posted 2015-05-04T16:18:53.020

Reputation: 11

How do you know if the Logitech keyboard model of OP is the same as yours? – alljamin – 2017-02-16T05:54:41.263