Add minimize and maximize buttons in Debian 8



In previous versions I could do this with gsettings set button-layout close,minimize,maximize: but now I get error no such key "button-layout" In GUI there is no button-layout in dconf-editor

So how can I add maximize and minimize buttons in Debian 8?


Posted 2015-05-02T19:56:14.320

Reputation: 227



I was looking for the same and shortly after reading this question I found the solution for my setup (Debian 8, Gnome-Flashback): The relevant key is in org.gnome.desktop.wm.preferences, "button-layout". Edited with dconf-editor from "appmenu:close" to "appmenu:minimize,maximize,close" and the buttons are back :-)

Regards, Joachim


Posted 2015-05-02T19:56:14.320

Reputation: 156

1Another +1; there's a lot of out-of-date info on the web out there, this one does actually work on my Jessie with gnome flashback. – timday – 2015-05-17T10:35:02.380

5So does this mean: gsettings set org.gnome.desktop.wm.preferences button-layout appmenu:minimize,maximize,close? Could you put that into a command someone can use? – Zelphir Kaltstahl – 2016-03-27T00:18:59.100

1@Zelphir: I've tested your command on Debian 9 "Stretch" with Gnome 3.22.2 and it worked perfectly. – Fabio says Reinstate Monica – 2018-01-16T10:26:01.823



For window buttons, I use Preference > Windows and have just the "Close" button on left side of the window. This fails for ALL GNOME applications, like Nautilus, Calculator, Gedit . .

or Gnome-shell and use the tweak-tool.


Francis Rodrigues

Posted 2015-05-02T19:56:14.320

Reputation: 121