How to configure Emmet in Sublime to enable comment shortcut?


Since I have enabled Emmet in Sublime 2, some commands don't work properly.

How can I enable what seems to be the default functionality, when in HTML file typing

cmd + /

in front of

<script src="./bower_components/angular/angular.js"></script>

to get the properly commented tag:

<!-- <script src="./bower_components/angular/angular.js"></script> -->

Right now the same command generates

// <script src="./bower_components/angular/angular.js"></script>

which is completely wrong.

Dmitri Zaitsev

Posted 2015-05-02T12:19:18.847

Reputation: 165



So it turns out that this isn't an issue with Emmet, but with Sublime's built-in HTML language definition. For some reason, it's set up so that any line that starts with a <script> tag (optionally with spaces before it) is classified as source.js.embedded, meaning that when the comment shortcut is triggered, it uses the JS // comment marker instead of the HTML <!-- --> one.

The easiest way I found to get around this is to install the HTML5 package via Package Control, which I assume you already have installed as you're using Emmet. Install the new package, then open your user preferences (Sublime Text 2 -> Preferences -> Settings-User) and add "HTML" to the "ignored_packages" list:


Save the file, and restart Sublime. Now, when you go to View -> Syntax there should only be one HTML entry, but it will refer to the HTML5 syntax, not the built-in one. To test, open the file you were editing above, place your cursor before the <script> tag, and hit /. The entire line should now be surrounded in HTML comments:

<!-- <script src="./bower_components/angular/angular.js"></script> -->


Posted 2015-05-02T12:19:18.847

Reputation: 4 968

This is brilliant! I do use Emmet but did not have HTML5 package, installed it now and it works! Thank you so much! – Dmitri Zaitsev – 2015-05-03T07:36:22.943

A side question - how did you enter the command button so nicely? – Dmitri Zaitsev – 2015-05-03T13:01:58.720

@DmitriZaitsev I just do a Google search for "command symbol" and copy it off the results. If you want to have buttons appear in your text, just use <kbd></kbd> tags when you're typing. They're only allowed in questions and answers, not comments. – MattDMo – 2015-05-03T16:08:27.200