kde opensuse insufficient permission to use Internet?


I suddenly found myself having the problem that I can't use Internet services.
I can't use ssh, ping or a web browser.
As super user however I can ping, no ssh as far as I can tell. I thought it could be permissions as I can ping from root.
But this seems to be all I can do from root.

  1. My /var/log/xorg.0.log has:

    (WW) Falling back to old probe method for modsetting
    (WW) ditto for fbdev

    nothing which I understand or believe should be behind the error

  2. The file boot.log show that is all OK.

  3. Also have a log named: wpa_suppliant.log which show authentication (all ok) for my wireless connection:

    wlp3s0: CTRL-EVENT-CONNECTEF - connection to blah completed [id=0 id_str=]

  4. zypper search foo give me:

    Error code: connection failed

I don't know how to go about from here tracing the error.
I am sorry if the information is sparse, but I'm using my phone to type.


Posted 2015-04-28T20:12:10.317

Reputation: 143

ifconfig -a Show RX and TX packets being delivered (I think). There is a loopback which I am not sure wh a t it does but it feels like it's been there before as well. – qrikko – 2015-04-28T20:22:21.060



Turns out while at work I had gotten nameservers set from work. so in /etc/resolve.conf nameservers (which aren't the same as I have at home) were set. Which makes perfect sense now.. I could kind of ping as root but nothing else, I should have seen it earlier since when I used ssh, I never tried doing so on the ip-address.

However to resolve this I had to do a manual netconfig update -f to make it work. I guess I may well run into this problem tomorrow as well, or perhaps not? but I guess if that is the case I should be able to edit /etc/resolve.conf and add my own dns augmented to the once I get from work. So hopefully I will experience the problem tomorrow as well.


Posted 2015-04-28T20:12:10.317

Reputation: 143