How can I change the screen position of krunner in KDE Plasma 5.x?



I have just updated to Kubuntu 15.04 and can't find out how to change the position of krunner (the little search window that appears when I press Alt+F2) so that it appears in the center of the screen instead of at the top. Is this still possible? If yes, how can I change this?

Jannik Jochem

Posted 2015-04-28T07:51:10.187

Reputation: 285


Unfortunately, the feature that you're looking for was removed. There is a submitted change that restores the FreeFloating feature, but I don't know if it is implemented anywhere.

– Deltik – 2015-04-28T11:47:14.287



I was able to use this workaround in kubuntu 16.04: I created a special Window Rule for the krunner window to enforce a certain screen position.

Details: In the system settings application, goto Workspace, Window Management, Window Rules

  • create a new Window rule:
    • Window class (application): choose "Exact Match" from the drop down list, enter: krunner into the field (or use the Detect Window Properties button)

enter image description here

  • on the second tab Size & Position:
    • check the first box Position
    • choose "Apply Initially"
    • enter some numbers into the field: I entered 570,400 for about the middle of my screen (that may vary depending on the display)

enter image description here

  • click OK

enter image description here

  • click Apply

Anyway, this window is meant to be placed in the upper part of the screen - if set too close to the bottom, it will jump upward when the list of findings is long enough.

enter image description here

Lars Fischer

Posted 2015-04-28T07:51:10.187

Reputation: 246

In order to make it work: Window class (application): choose "Exact Match" from the drop down list, enter: krunner. In the answer it says: "enter: krunner krunner into the field". - Do you know a manual or something on the rest of possible settings (dimension e.g.) – None – 2016-10-17T11:19:58.570 – Dawid Drozd – 2017-02-21T12:43:14.900


This can be done on KDE Plasma 5, without special KWin (or any WM) rules.

Edit ~/.config/krunnerrc and make sure that FreeFloating is set to true.


Then restart KRunner.


Posted 2015-04-28T07:51:10.187

Reputation: 215