Adding to SendTo Context Menu in Windows 10


OS: Windows 10 Tech Preview Build 10041

I am trying to add shortcuts to the SendTo context menu using the Windows 8 method. Even after adding shortcuts and restarting, the items don't appear in the menu. Have any other Windows 10 users had problems with this?


Posted 2015-04-26T21:44:59.903

Reputation: 83

3Have you tried an earlier build? The method to add something to the context menu has not changed since Windows XP was released. – Ramhound – 2015-04-26T21:53:10.333

CHeck the list of entries in the sendto folder and if one of them is zero bytes in size delete it. – None – 2015-12-12T22:49:13.333



  1. Make a shortcut of your folder on the desktop

  2. Open the run window - WIN+R

  3. Type shell:sendto into the run box. Then OK. That opens the sendto folder.

  4. Drag your shortcut from the desktop into the sendto folder. Close the folder.

I just tested that on build 10061


Posted 2015-04-26T21:44:59.903

Reputation: 1 251

That's exactly what I was doing. Oh well, probably an issue with just my computer. I will try updating to the most recent build. – Zoroshino – 2015-04-26T23:11:25.257

Maybe you mad a typo - e.g. with the colon. Unfortunately I do not have build 10041 any more. But I just tested it on a backup copy of build 10049 and there it worked too. I suggest you try it again. It is a basic staple of Windows and should work. – whs – 2015-04-26T23:56:17.313

1Ok, I eventually got it working. My original shortcut was to an executable jar file. That wasn't working, so I had to create a shortcut to a batch file, and from there I started the jar file. Anyways, thanks for the helpful comments. – Zoroshino – 2015-04-27T03:00:07.357

You are welcome. I am glad you got it to work. – whs – 2015-04-27T03:16:38.393

Now I just need to figure out how to pass parameters through a batch file, but I guess that's a question for StackOverflow. – Zoroshino – 2015-04-27T04:52:33.927

Clicking the Start button and start typing shell:sendto right away doesn't work anymore (as it did in Windows 7). In Windows 10 you have to start a Run dialog first and type it there. – mgr326639 – 2015-11-03T21:08:18.903


I had issues with some shortcuts. If your shortcuts are not appearing, check their properties. Chances are it's a weird non-standard shortcut. I had this issue with Notepad and Visual Studio Code shortcuts. Re-create a shortcut from scratch that points directly to the folder or EXE or whatever and you're good to go.


Posted 2015-04-26T21:44:59.903

Reputation: 134

The shortcut "target" should look like %windir%\system32\notepad.exe not the GUID\notepad thing and "TargetType" of "Application" not some GUID - so dragging it off the Windows 10 Windows/Accessories does not work for instance – Mark Schultheiss – 2016-01-13T17:00:45.990