Update current stable Debian Wheezy system to Debian Jessie?



Debian Jessie just came out as stable.

Is a apt-get dist-upgrade enough? Or do I need to do something more, or even use a script like Ubuntu uses?


Posted 2015-04-26T12:44:34.103

Reputation: 225

My initial answer was about Ubuntu since I mistakenly thought this was about Ubuntu upgrading. Edited the question for Debian-specific info instead. Apologies for any inadvertent confusion that might have caused. – JakeGould – 2015-04-26T14:00:04.993



According to this official Debian document titled “Upgrading from One Stable Distribution to the Next” simply running apt-get dist-upgrade should do the trick.

That said, they also recommend /etc/apt/sources.list to point to the correct repo for package updates. Changing all references from “Wheezy” to “Jessie” if needed; if they are all set to “Stable” no need to change anything. And then running apt-get update and apt-get upgrade prior to running apt-get dist-upgrade to ensure all installed packages are up-to-date prior to a core OS upgrade.

Personally, manually changing /etc/apt/sources.list for an upgrade like this seems like a bit of overkill, so I wouldn’t worry too much about it. Just go ahead with apt-get dist-upgrade and all should be good.


Posted 2015-04-26T12:44:34.103

Reputation: 38 217


To upgrade you should read the release notes for Debian Jessie and follow the instructions there. You need to change your sources.list file, upgrade and then run dist-upgrade. Between that you may need to purge some packages as well.

For your convenience, here is a link to the release notes: https://www.debian.org/releases/jessie/releasenotes


Posted 2015-04-26T12:44:34.103

Reputation: 1 092


I did this upgrade recently (Debian Wheezy to Debian Jessie) and all i had to do was:

  • change the /etc/apt/sources.list (replace all occurencies of "wheezy" to "jessie")
  • run apt-get update
  • run apt-get dist-upgrade
  • reboot

After that i had a very functional Jessie.

Tomas Tudja

Posted 2015-04-26T12:44:34.103

Reputation: 137