Mac Illustrator CC > Save for Web > Convert to sRGB… checked & greyed out


i've been following some advice from several blogs to normalize the color settings across my adobe apps - basically setting them to none or generic or monitor etc (since i only design for web, really).

one thing they say to do is to make sure the "Convert to sRGB" option is UNchecked in the Save for Web dialog box in both Photoshop & Illustrator.

well, that's doable in Photoshop, but it's checked & greyed out in Illustrator (see attached screenshot). for the life of me i can't figure out how to change that.

more info...
the reason i want to UNcheck this option that's greyed out is to try & get colors to not just look correct, but to match between Illustrator, Photoshop, & any web browser (Safari, Chrome, Firefox, etc).

currently, i can open up both Photoshop & Illustrator on the screen, side-by-side > create a new 'web' document in both > draw a square > and fill it with a color in one, then do the same in the other with the exact same HEX & RGB color numbers, and they LOOK different!

Furthermore, when i use a color-picker on that same square... it fills in different numbers than what i had originally typed in!

so i've been doing research > google'ing & searching the Adobe forums, several Stack_______ sites, & the Apple forums. all i've been able to find of substance is to make these settings in both Photoshop & Illustrator - to not manage color profiles nor view profiles for any psd's & ai's for web-based screen-only designs.

even more info...
i'm on a 6 month old (mid-2014) MacBook Pro (15" Retina w/a 1 TB SSD & 16 GB of RAM); 'had' Adobe CS6 on it. then in February i UNinstalled that & started a new Adobe CC subscription (downloaded & installed fresh copies of its various apps, including Photoshop & Illustrator).

THANKS for your time & efforts!

PS: yes, i also posted this @


PS2: i posted this in the GraphicDesign Stack but it was put on hold'n'closed by the moderators with the excuse that it is "Off Topic" for that stack @


PS3: i don't have enough "reputation" in this particular stack to embed images (as i've done in the GraphicDesign stack post linked above) so here's a link to the screenshot (in case it'd be helpful for anyone to "see") @

@Karan, if you see this & don't mind doing what you did on another post of mine recently, i'd appreciate it - you went ahead & embedded my screenshot (see PS3 above) for the one @


Posted 2015-04-24T21:00:15.850

Reputation: 121

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