How to add Windows to grub?


The following is the list that I got when I executed the command sudo fdisk -l:

Disk /dev/sdc: 120.0 Gb, 120034123776 bytes
Id disk: 0x975e4baf

/dev/sdc1   *        2048      206847      102400   17  Скрытый HPFS/NTFS
/dev/sdc2          206848   234437133   117115143    7  HPFS/NTFS/exFAT

On this disk windows is located, I'm trying to write in GRUB file /etc/grub.d/40_custom

menuentry "Win7" {
     set root='(hd2,0)'
     chainloader +1

menuentry "Win71" {
     set root='(hd2,1)'
     chainloader +1

And update GRUB config sudo update-grub. In boot loader I see new items, but when I click It I see error:

invalid efi file path


disk not found

I tried different combinations of (hd2,0) starting from hd1,0 to hd3,2 nothing works, what can I else do? Windows 7 has XP loader, that was installed after crash. When I load computer from windows disk it's loading correctly.

$ lsblk
sda                          8:0    0  55,9G  0 disk 
├─sda1                       8:1    0   487M  0 part /boot/efi
├─sda2                       8:2    0   244M  0 part /boot
└─sda3                       8:3    0  55,2G  0 part 
  ├─mint--vg-root (dm-0)   252:0    0  47,2G  0 lvm  /
  └─mint--vg-swap_1 (dm-1) 252:1    0     8G  0 lvm  [SWAP]
sdb                          8:16   0 931,5G  0 disk 
└─sdb1                       8:17   0 931,5G  0 part /media/alex/media
sdc                          8:32   0 111,8G  0 disk 
├─sdc1                       8:33   0   100M  0 part 
└─sdc2                       8:34   0 111,7G  0 part /media/alex/win7
sr0                         11:0    1  1024M  0 rom  


Posted 2015-04-24T06:42:52.550

Reputation: 103



Your path has to look like this:

menuentry "Windows 7" {
    insmod part_gpt
    insmod chain
    set root='(hd0,gpt1)'
    chainloader /EFI/Microsoft/Boot/bootmgfw.efi

It's because you are running on an EFI system, you can't use BIOS setup to start grub.


Posted 2015-04-24T06:42:52.550


Just tried, the boot menu refresh (flickering) when i click this item – Alex – 2015-04-24T07:32:54.097

Did you actually change it to fit your installation? seeing as you are using hd2, you might want to change that in the set root part, as well as selecting the correct gpt partion. – None – 2015-04-24T07:34:26.797

Just tried hd2,gpt1 hd2,gpt0 hd2,gpt2 and hd1,gpt(02) nothing work, error - disk hd2,gpt1 not found. How to understand what numbers should i use? – Alex – 2015-04-24T07:51:45.993

If you boot into the linux partition, you should be able to use some of these:

To identify the drive you need to use. Also do you really have 3 harddrives and windows on the 3rd harddrive, cos that is what hd2 means?

– None – 2015-04-24T07:55:55.033

Yes I do have 3 harddrives and sdc - it's third I think – Alex – 2015-04-24T08:03:49.670

I added some info to question – Alex – 2015-04-24T08:05:51.150

Oh yeah I also just noticed that it read sdc, sorry. Well did you by any chance do any changes in the EFI to install linux? If not, did you at any point change the system from BIOS mode to EFI mode or the other way around? – None – 2015-04-24T08:06:07.253

It seems that hd2, gpt1 or hd2, gpt0 should work. :/ Did you also remember to add the insmod parts? Also from that overview, it really looks like your windows might be running in BIOS mode, but I might be wrong. :s – None – 2015-04-24T08:08:11.163

Let us continue this discussion in chat.

– Alex – 2015-04-24T08:11:03.470