Move C:\Users\tachikoma01\AppData\Roaming\Bitcoin to an other hardrive


I have a 120gb ssd and it's full. I want to use bitcoin armory which is going to take up to 50gb. And even if the software is installed on my G: hard drive, the software is still downloading datas to C:\Users\tachikoma01\AppData\Roaming\Bitcoin.
So I'd like to have the software use G:\Roaming\Bitcoin and don't take any space on my C drive.
I believe I can use some sort of symbolic link but I failed to do it. Can anyone tell me how to do that please?


Posted 2015-04-17T22:27:56.743

Reputation: 25

I tried MKLINK/J "C:\Users\tachikoma01\AppData\Roaming\Bitcoin" "G:\Roaming\Bitcoin" in execute. It didn't work so I tried to do it with administrator prompt. It kind of worked, but the software was still copying on C: everytime... Even when I made sure to delete the folde on C first – tachikoma01 – 2015-04-17T23:14:35.517

Update your question. – Ramhound – 2015-04-17T23:16:13.657



First, make sure to move C:\Users\tachikoma01\AppData\Roaming\Bitcoin to the new location at G:\Roaming\Bitcoin, and make sure that your Bitcoin mining software is off and doesn't re-create the folder when you move it.

Once you're sure the folder is no longer there, you can create a symbolic link. The easiest way to create a symlink in windows is at the command prompt, using the MKLINK command. The command you want is

MKLINK /D "C:\Users\tachikoma01\AppData\Roaming\Bitcoin" "G:\Roaming\Bitcoin"

This creates a symlink at C:\Users\...\Bitcoin which points to G:\Roaming\Bitcoin. The \D specifies that you're symlinking a folder (or "directory"), not a regular file.


Posted 2015-04-17T22:27:56.743

Reputation: 56