How can I show and hide the developer tools with vimperator in firefox?



Well, I didn't find anything on this topic. Is there a way to interact with the developer tools in firefox via vimperator?


Posted 2015-04-14T17:08:31.737

Reputation: 3



This depends on what you want to do.

  • You can access the Web Developer menu using emenu.

    For instance, to bind gc to open the Browser Console, add this to your .vimperatorrc:

    nnoremap gc :emenu Tools.Web Developer.Browser Console<CR>

    or to define a command :bc to do so, use:

    command! bc -description "Open the browser console" :emenu Tools.Web Developer.Browser Console<CR>
  • If there's already a hotkey for an action, you can define a command or another key binding to access it.

    For example, Ctrl+Shift+i toggles the developer tools. So I can define a command dev and a binding gd with the following:

    command! dev -description "Toggle developer tools" :normal <C-S-i>
    nnoremap gd <C-S-i>


Posted 2015-04-14T17:08:31.737

Reputation: 1 332