Disappearing program thumbnail on taskbar



I have a problem - when I hover mouse on icon of program/folder in taskbar, then the thumbnail shows, and when I hover mouse on the thumbnail, all that program's thumbnail disappears, and current hover folder or program got on all screen, but does not become active.

Before on hover program/folder I get all that type opened thumbnails and could drive on them with the mouse until press left mouse button. But now they dissapear on hover.

I googled for problem, and there was possible solutions that change value to variable ActiveWindowsTracking in HKEY_CURRENT_USER->Control Panel->Mouse, but there all was correct. And second solution that disable Activate the window by hovering over it with mouse in `Control Panel -> Ease Acces Center -> Make the mouse easier, but it did not help too.

Here's an example:

enter image description here

enter image description here


Posted 2015-04-11T09:12:31.157

Reputation: 143



Yeeah! I found a solution for me. Problem was in software Kaspersky Antivirus. I've installed that programm few days ago, and it's disabled default Windows Defender. So i tryed to delete kaspersky, and enabled back windows defender, restart my PC and problemm has gone. I dont know how and why that programm affected to windows in taskbar, but removing that programm helped me. :) Mby kasperskydecided that some system files, which resposible for displaying that thunbnails in taskbar, for virus and throw them in to the quarantine, but i didn't get any notifications.

I don't want to say that that antivirus is bad, nope, he helped me to found many malicious programs, but removing them helped to me. Thanks.


Posted 2015-04-11T09:12:31.157

Reputation: 143