Technical difference between a Forward and a Reply


What is the technical difference between a forward and reply?

Are the headers handled differently?

I am curious about this because I have an issue with a bespoke outlook add-in that only occurs when forwarding an email.


Posted 2015-04-09T16:12:58.690

Reputation: 192

1Forwarding should completely replace the header, instead of modifying it the way a reply does. for instance, when I report spam in my organization, I create a new email and attach the prior email, rather than forwarding it, so that the original emails header is completely preserved. if I forwarded the message, the header info our admins want would be lost. – Frank Thomas – 2015-04-09T16:25:20.950

I tend to use copy/paste rather than forward, but you can begin by viewing the headers if you have a question re the headers – barlop – 2015-04-09T16:40:12.283

1One of the biggest differences is that in a reply any attachments are lost, whereas when a message is forwarded, attachments stay with the email. – BillDOe – 2015-04-09T23:40:58.240

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