How do I copy the URL contained in the Internet shortcut?


I saw an answer to this question in a post already but I am wanting to know if there is a way to do multiple files at one time versus clicking on each shortcut file individually to get the URL? I just need to get the URLs to the clipboard so I can paste in Excel and I have hundreds of these shortcuts.


Posted 2015-04-08T20:18:51.397

Reputation: 13



Run this at the command prompt from the top level directory containing all your .URL files, and you should end up with URLs.txt as well as (on Windows 7 onwards) the URLs copied to the clipboard:

for /f "tokens=1* delims==" %a in ('findstr /s /l "URL=" *.url') do @echo %b>>URLs.txt && clip<URLs.txt


Posted 2015-04-08T20:18:51.397

Reputation: 51 857

It took me a while and some help from our local IT but we got this to work. It's just what I needed, thanks!!! – KThomas – 2015-04-09T20:44:41.810

Glad I could help. :) – Karan – 2015-04-10T21:33:47.373


This should answer it: Once you've completed the steps you'll end up with a text file containing your URLs. Example:


You can easily strip out the garbage you're not interested in with a find and replace operation. Then you're left with just the URLs and can copy and paste them into Excel.


Posted 2015-04-08T20:18:51.397

Reputation: 832

Thanks for the response. I had found these instructions before but quickly got stuck because the first line has you go to Start--> Find--> Files or Folders and I don't have that option on my computer. I am by no means a super computer user so I didn't know where to go next. – KThomas – 2015-04-09T14:32:31.077

Yes the instructions were written for an older version of Windows and I'd wrongly assumed you would be able to re-interpret them for more modern versions. The answer below, by Karan, appears to be a shorthand way of following those instructions, so I'd suggest trying that command. You'll need to move your shortcuts to a folder, assuming they're on your desktop or jumbled with other files, then open a Command prompt and change directory to the folder with the shortcuts in before running that command. – Jimadine – 2015-04-09T15:56:25.623

thanks, but you've lost me again. It's been 15+ years since I have used a command prompt. I know how to open it up and that's about all. I will see if our IT person here at work can help me. :) – KThomas – 2015-04-09T16:22:51.957

my IT person was able to help me with the command prompt side (I'm trying to do this on our networked business computers and it wasn't straigh forward) and I was able to get that command to copy what I needed. Thanks to both you and Karan for the help!!! – KThomas – 2015-04-09T20:44:07.407