Concatenate video files and add a watermark


I have two different sets of commands working that I would like to try to combine.

The first command is a basic "concat" command:

ffmpeg -i "concat:file01.mpg|file02.mpg|file03.mpg" -c copy -target pal-dvd newfile.mpg

The second adds a watermark:

ffmpeg -i newfile.mpg -i full_page_watermark.png -filter_complex "overlay=0:0" -target pal-dvd newfilewatermark.mpg


How would I combine these two commands? Or is it necessary to first create the intermediate file as I am presently doing?

Ananda Mahto

Posted 2015-04-07T05:57:36.460

Reputation: 125

Question was closed 2015-04-07T07:33:24.783

A similar question was asked recently. Use the concat and overlay filters in a filter_complex filtergraph. You may need to add filters to scale your videos if they have different frame sizes. If you can't get it to work, please update your question with the command you're trying and the full command line output, too. Then leave me a comment. – slhck – 2015-04-07T07:35:08.963

@slhck, thanks for the link. That certainly solves my problem. Pretty new to this video work, so perhaps I haven't figured out the correct terms to search for. – Ananda Mahto – 2015-04-07T08:40:16.763

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