Installing new Text-To-Speech languages on Windows 7 32bit Home Premium



I've been hoping to install a Spanish Text-To-Speech voice for use with a vb.Net program I'm creating.

I've downloaded MSSpeech_TTS_es-ES_Helenafrom and installed it.I also have installed the Microsoft Speech Platform - Runtime that's required with it.

However when I go to Speech Properties in Control Panel, I still only have option to use Microsoft Anna. I cannot see Helena anywhere.

I should mention I have Windows 7 32bit Home Premium Service Pack 1. This means I can't change system language as I don't have Ultimate. I wouldn't have thought it would effect system voices though.

This is fast becoming annoying. I've checked all over the internet and even risked changing registry keys to no avail.

Any suggestions please?


Posted 2015-03-28T15:31:22.217

Reputation: 21

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