I'm sharing an IMAP mailbox with another person. So we both have IMAP clients, in order to read mail messages and post some.
However, when I read a message, its state is set to "seen" (or "read"), usually by flagging it. But, I also want the other person to notice this message as "unread" (or "unseen"), so I change its state to "unread".
This policy of reading the mail is less than optimal.
Is there an extension to IMAP so that a message could have the extra "meta-data" of "read by user x"? I think it's possible by flagging the message, but it also needs the IMAP client GUI to implement this.
2I assume not EVERY message needs to be read by both? As an aside: I doubt there is a solution; as an alternative to flagging you might consider using folders for some workflow. – Arjan – 2015-03-21T13:38:11.620
@arjan correct, not every message needs to be read by both of us. – Ron Klein – 2015-03-21T14:59:02.927