Install Postgresql 9.4 with Puppet


I would like to let Puppet manage Postgresql 9.4 on Ubuntu 14.04.2 LTS.

I have install the module and configured it like this for 9.3:

class { 'postgresql::globals': encoding => 'UTF8', locale => 'en_US', manage_package_repo => true, version => '9.3', }

This works... But when I change it to version => '9.4' I get:

Error: Could not retrieve catalog from remote server: Error 400 on SERVER: pick(): must receive at least one non empty value at /etc/puppet/modules/postgresql/manifests/globals.pp:109 on node

As far as I understand - I configured the module to use the repository - and I assumed it should be able to use the 9.4 release.

Any hints why this does not work?


Posted 2015-03-18T10:30:48.903

Reputation: 230



postgis_version     => '2.1',

was missing :S


Posted 2015-03-18T10:30:48.903

Reputation: 230

That's weird, as the class should be picking the right postgis_version for '9.4'

– T0xicCode – 2015-04-08T15:49:22.813

Probably related to the fact - that Ubuntu 14.04 only has the 9.3 Version as official release... Fixed it for me... – madflow – 2015-04-09T11:59:08.663