Postfix / Dovecot Mail appears in logs, but not in its respective folder


I'm currently trying to set up Postfix with Dovecot, but something does not seem to work the way it should be.

For some reason, mails I sent to my mail account appear in the logs, but do not become relocated into the respective mailbox. The logs are not displaying any error, so I am pretty much left without a clue where the problem might be. Additionally, I have not set up any of the servers at any point, so I can't really tell what I might be missing here.

Hope you guys can give me a hint.

Edit: I'm also using a frontend webinterface which lets me log in, but no mails can be displayed in its interface either.

tree -aps

root /var/customers/mail/webmail/ # tree -aps
|-- [drwx------        4096]  .Drafts
|   |-- [drwx------        4096]  cur
|   |-- [-rw-------          51]  dovecot-uidlist
|   |-- [-rw-------         248]  dovecot.index.log
|   |-- [-rw-------           0]  maildirfolder
|   |-- [drwx------        4096]  new
|   `-- [drwx------        4096]  tmp
|-- [drwx------        4096]  .Sent
|   |-- [drwx------        4096]  cur
|   |-- [-rw-------          51]  dovecot-uidlist
|   |-- [-rw-------         248]  dovecot.index.log
|   |-- [-rw-------           0]  maildirfolder
|   |-- [drwx------        4096]  new
|   `-- [drwx------        4096]  tmp
|-- [drwx------        4096]  .Spam
|   |-- [drwx------        4096]  cur
|   |-- [-rw-------          51]  dovecot-uidlist
|   |-- [-rw-------         248]  dovecot.index.log
|   |-- [-rw-------           0]  maildirfolder
|   |-- [drwx------        4096]  new
|   `-- [drwx------        4096]  tmp
|-- [drwx------        4096]  .Trash
|   |-- [drwx------        4096]  cur
|   |-- [-rw-------          51]  dovecot-uidlist
|   |-- [-rw-------         156]  dovecot.index.log
|   |-- [-rw-------           0]  maildirfolder
|   |-- [drwx------        4096]  new
|   `-- [drwx------        4096]  tmp
|-- [drwx------        4096]  cur
|-- [-rw-------          51]  dovecot-uidlist
|-- [-rw-------           8]  dovecot-uidvalidity
|-- [-r--r--r--           0]  dovecot-uidvalidity.55020f8f
|-- [-rw-------         432]  dovecot.index.log
|-- [-rw-------          96]  dovecot.mailbox.log
|-- [drwx------        4096]  new
|-- [-rw-------          23]  subscriptions
`-- [drwx------        4096]  tmp

19 directories, 18 files


Mar 13 00:53:41 v220110897556081 postfix/pickup[12736]: 06AE0736F6C5: uid=0 from=<root>
Mar 13 00:53:41 v220110897556081 postfix/cleanup[15499]: 06AE0736F6C5: message-id=<>
Mar 13 00:53:41 v220110897556081 postfix/qmgr[12737]: 06AE0736F6C5: from=<>, size=443, nrcpt=1 (queue active)
Mar 13 00:53:41 v220110897556081 postfix/trivial-rewrite[15500]: warning: do not list domain in BOTH mydestination and virtual_mailbox_domains
Mar 13 00:53:41 v220110897556081 postfix/local[15503]: warning: database /etc/aliases.db is older than source file /etc/aliases
Mar 13 00:53:41 v220110897556081 postfix/local[15503]: 06AE0736F6C5: to=<>, relay=local, delay=0.03, delays=0.02/0.01/0/0, dsn=2.0.0, status=sent (delivered to mailbox)
Mar 13 00:53:41 v220110897556081 postfix/qmgr[12737]: 06AE0736F6C5: removed

postconf -Mf

smtp       inet  n       -       -       -       -       smtpd
pickup     fifo  n       -       -       60      1       pickup
cleanup    unix  n       -       -       -       0       cleanup
qmgr       fifo  n       -       n       300     1       qmgr
tlsmgr     unix  -       -       -       1000?   1       tlsmgr
rewrite    unix  -       -       -       -       -       trivial-rewrite
bounce     unix  -       -       -       -       0       bounce
defer      unix  -       -       -       -       0       bounce
trace      unix  -       -       -       -       0       bounce
verify     unix  -       -       -       -       1       verify
flush      unix  n       -       -       1000?   0       flush
proxymap   unix  -       -       n       -       -       proxymap
proxywrite unix  -       -       n       -       1       proxymap
smtp       unix  -       -       -       -       -       smtp
relay      unix  -       -       -       -       -       smtp
showq      unix  n       -       -       -       -       showq
error      unix  -       -       -       -       -       error
retry      unix  -       -       -       -       -       error
discard    unix  -       -       -       -       -       discard
local      unix  -       n       n       -       -       local
virtual    unix  -       n       n       -       -       virtual
lmtp       unix  -       -       -       -       -       lmtp
anvil      unix  -       -       -       -       1       anvil
scache     unix  -       -       -       -       1       scache
maildrop   unix  -       n       n       -       -       pipe
    flags=DRhu user=vmail argv=/usr/bin/maildrop -d ${recipient}
uucp       unix  -       n       n       -       -       pipe
    flags=Fqhu user=uucp argv=uux -r -n -z -a$sender - $nexthop!rmail
ifmail     unix  -       n       n       -       -       pipe
    flags=F user=ftn argv=/usr/lib/ifmail/ifmail -r $nexthop ($recipient)
bsmtp      unix  -       n       n       -       -       pipe
    flags=Fq. user=bsmtp argv=/usr/lib/bsmtp/bsmtp -t$nexthop -f$sender
scalemail-backend unix - n       n       -       2       pipe
    flags=R user=scalemail argv=/usr/lib/scalemail/bin/scalemail-store
    ${nexthop} ${user} ${extension}
mailman    unix  -       n       n       -       -       pipe
    flags=FR user=list argv=/usr/lib/mailman/bin/
    ${nexthop} ${user}
dovecot    unix  -       n       n       -       -       pipe
    flags=DRhu user=vmail:vmail argv=/usr/lib/dovecot/deliver -d ${recipient}


Posted 2015-03-13T00:37:33.603

Reputation: 11



Here is the solution that worked for me:

In Postfix' located in /etc/postfix/ I needed to set

local_transport = virtual


virtual_transport = dovecot

Now mails actually become delivered as well.


Posted 2015-03-13T00:37:33.603

Reputation: 11