Can I Rename the Title of Command Windows from the Task Scheduler


We have several command line apps that are launched from the Task Scheduler. They all have the title 'taskeng.exe'. Is there a way to rename the windows, to make them easier to identify?

We're running the exes directly, not via a batch file, so the TITLE command isn't easily available. I prefer not to use a batch file to launch the exes.

Thank you



Posted 2015-03-06T06:01:29.187

Reputation: 123



Can I rename the title of command wWindows from the Task Scheduler?

Use the TN option:

  • /TN A name for the task


Create a task to run at 11 pm every weekday

SCHTASKS /Create /SC weekly /D MON,TUE,WED,THU,FRI /TN MyDailyBackup /ST 23:00 /TR c:\backup.cmd /RU MyDomain\MyLogin /RP MyPassword

Now delete the task:

SCHTASKS /Delete /TN "MyDailyBackup" /f

Create a one-off task to run a script at exactly12 midday:

SCHTASKS /create /tn "once only" /tr "\"c:\my folder\one.cmd\" arguments" /sc ONCE /sd 12/29/2014 /st 12:00

Create a daily task to run a script at 5 pm:

SCHTASKS /create /tn "My Script" /tr "\"c:\my folder\script.cmd\" arguments" /sc daily /sd 12/29/2014 /st 17:00

Create a task ready to run on demand - this is done by creating a task scheduled far in the past:

SCHTASKS /create /tn "On demand demo" /tr "C:\Windows\notepad.exe" /sc ONCE /sd 01/01/1910 /st 00:00

Source schtasks - Create / edit a Scheduled Job/Task. The job can be created on the local or a remote computer.

Further Reading


Posted 2015-03-06T06:01:29.187

Reputation: 118 938

That's fantastic - thank you. Is there any way to do this via the Task Manager GUI? – Ryan – 2015-03-06T08:29:14.120

Not as far as I know :/ – DavidPostill – 2015-03-06T12:48:00.747

I'm running with highest privileges and all I see is Administrator: taskeng.exe in the Title – Sun – 2016-05-04T15:39:42.097