Permission Denied (Public Key,password,keyboard-interactive)


I have installed CYGWIn and then run SSH-HOST-CONFIG

There I have disabled the stric mode and created a privileged user for SSH.

Now when I do ssh cyg_server@localhost , I am getting the password prompt. After entering the password I am getting the following error:

Permission Denied (Public Key,password,keyboard-interactive)


Posted 2015-03-03T12:52:38.420

Reputation: 134

why do ssh cyg_server@localhost? whenever i've set up cygwin ssh server i'm doing ssh user@host where user is the username of the windows account – barlop – 2015-03-03T14:21:32.253

@barlop, Tried with windows user name ,and got the same error. And what'w wrong with cyg_server? It's also a windows user . ' – Simsons – 2015-03-04T10:48:58.083

I run from an administrative command prompt that ssh-host-config or whatever it is command, and accept the defaults. I tend not to try to ssh to myself though. Maybe you are SSHing to yourself and your ssh server is set to key only or rather, to not allow password. look at your sshd_config file (probably /etc/sshd_config) and look for lines saying PubKeyAuthentication and PasswordAuthentication i'm not sure if ssh_config may be relevant too, lines like that. And i'm not sure if there may be one in ~/.ssh look at what files are there – barlop – 2015-03-04T11:05:04.720

Did you ever solve this? I am having the same issue. – John S. – 2016-06-02T18:01:38.400

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