how to list current path mode?



If the current path is /data/db_1, and /data has three subpath, db_1, db_2, db_3.

I want to know db_1’s modification, owner and group.

Currently I use ls -li /data |grep db_1 , but I think there must better way to do it?

Chen Yu

Posted 2015-03-02T22:54:10.840

Reputation: 665

Why not just ls -lid /data/db_1 if you know the name? – Barmar – 2015-03-09T14:31:29.470



To see the permissions of the current directory, whatever it is, use:

ls -lid .

How it works:

  • -l asks ls for a long directory listing.

  • -i asks ls for inode information (optional).

  • -d tells ls to report on the directory itself, not what is in it.

  • . refers, as is conventional for Unix, to the current directory.

Because POSIX ls supports the -l, -i, and -d options, this method is portable.


Posted 2015-03-02T22:54:10.840

Reputation: 13 893


Don't use ls at all. It is generally a bad idea to try and parse ls output and there are other tools that are specifically designed for the job. In this case, you can use stat:

$ stat -c '%G %U %y' .
terdon terdon 2015-03-03 19:37:48.007033824 +0200


   -c  --format=FORMAT
          use the specified FORMAT instead of the default; output  a  new‐
          line after each use of FORMAT

   %G     group name of owner
   %U     user name of owner
   %y     time of last modification, human-readable

So, the command above will print the user (%U), group (%G) and modification time (%y) of ., the current directory. It can also print other pieces of information, pretty much anything you will ever need. See man stat for more.


Posted 2015-03-02T22:54:10.840

Reputation: 45 216

1Who says he's trying to parse the output, I think he just wants to view it. – Barmar – 2015-03-06T23:50:38.157

@Barmar ls -li /data |grep db_1 is parsing the output of ls. What if you have a file or directory called foo\ndb_1? Or db1 and db2? Anyway, stat is specifically designed for this and is the better tool for the job. – terdon – 2015-03-09T12:21:41.980