How to search files from a specific time with OS X 10.5.8?



I’m trying to search for a file on my Mac laptop from a long time ago. I know the type of file and I now approximately the time period when it was recorded. It’s one of those Word files that was created/saved in the Notebook Layout (when you can record audio while you type).

Is there was a way to search for that particular type of documents that was used between certain years (like say between year 2012 and 2014)?


Posted 2015-03-01T21:05:24.450

Reputation: 1

If your macbook has gfind installed, you can search that files with gfind / -name '*.txt' -ctime -790 -ctime +60 (use the correct extension instead of *.txt here). – ott-- – 2015-03-01T22:44:25.633



If Spotlight is running on that Mac laptop, then you could do something like this via Spotlight as explained here:

For example, this would find any files created on February 14, 2015:

 created: 02/14/2015

For example, this would find any files modified on February 14, 2015:

 modified: 02/14/2015

And if you wanted to find any files created after February 14, 2015 just prepend > to the date:

 created: >02/14/2015

For files created before February 14, 2015 just prepend < to the date:

 created: <02/14/2015


Posted 2015-03-01T21:05:24.450

Reputation: 38 217

thank you so much for the great answer! Since I'm a big time dummy when it comes to this stuff, could you please be so kind as to write a command for me for searching something in Spotlight between the years of (beginning of) 2013 and (the end of) 2014, and ONLY searching for the Word files! thank you – Anouk – 2015-03-02T00:27:06.907

@Anouk You can't search between years. This will only give you specific dates or before and after a specific date. That's the best I can do. If this answer helps you please remember to upvote it. And if this is the answer that solved your problem then please remember to check it off as such. Thank you very much. Can't help any further. – JakeGould – 2015-03-02T00:35:28.610