Unicode in tty?



I have to view a log file on Debian server which is written in Persian by a third party software. Is this possible to have UTF-8 + Unicode support in tty? I'm looking for solutions based on emacs or entire tty.


Posted 2015-02-27T16:31:45.830

Reputation: 133

1Which "tty" are you using? The regular Linux console? Xterm? Are you using it locally or ssh'ing from another computer? – user1686 – 2015-02-27T18:37:13.220

Emacs out of the box is fully equipped to deal with UTF-8 since several versions back, if your environment has the fonts etc. to support it. – tripleee – 2015-03-05T10:41:48.747

@grawity The regular Linux console, no XTerm, not even any X is installed in target machine, and yes/no I'm both ssh'ing to remote and using a keyboard and monitor attached to target machine. – sorush-r – 2015-03-06T08:39:37.770

@sorush-r: So that's two completely different things. dtbnguyen already gave you an answer regarding local console access. But when you use ssh, I'm sure you usually do have a terminal like XTerm or PuTTY running on the local machine, don't you? – user1686 – 2015-03-06T11:58:50.820



There are hacks for unicode terminal support such as unicode_start but they aren't perfect as indicated in the documentation.


Alternatively, apparently 'fbterm' supports Unicode and there are already packages for Debian. You could try that?




Posted 2015-02-27T16:31:45.830

Reputation: 451