Can I use PsExec or similar tool to determine if a remote PC is already logged in?


I'm writing a utility which lets you remotely run a test application on network PCs. I plan to use PsExec to remotely launch the application on each PC but I need to check

  • The PC is reachable
  • The PC is logged in to Windows

Now I assume PsExec will simply fail if either of these isn't the case but is that the best option or is there a nice way to explicitly check?

Mr. Boy

Posted 2015-02-26T15:17:52.467

Reputation: 3 710



You can do that with other SysInternals tools, I think:

  1. PSLoggedOn to see names of users logged on (can be used for a remote computer)

  2. PsList to see a list of processes running remotely, can also be useful.


Posted 2015-02-26T15:17:52.467

Reputation: 861