Perforce client has a static view that will be overwritten


I am following the streams tiny tutorial:

When I issue this command:

p4 workspace -s -S //Ace/MAIN

It complains that client localhost does not exist

P4HOST is localhost via p4 set for the current user.

If I use:

p4 -c localhost workspace -s -S //Ace/MAIN

It complains that localhost is a static view that will be overwritten if I use -f.

What is a static view?

Also, I don't want my workspace to be called localhost.

So, I used p4 workspace without arguments to create a spec that gives it a meaningful workspace name. After that:

p4 workspace -s -S //Ace/MAIN

Still complains that client localhost does not exist. Why is that?

If I use:

p4 workspace -s -S //Ace/MAIN meaningful-client-name

It complains that meaningful-client-name is a static view that will be overwritten if I use -f.

Again, what is a static view?


Posted 2015-02-25T07:03:56.707

Reputation: 1



This appears to be an answer to why I get the warning:

Perforce is warning it's clobbering a non-stream view. The rest of my post should be a separate question, I think


Posted 2015-02-25T07:03:56.707

Reputation: 1