In Linux (Ubuntu), how do you move all the files and directories to the parent directory?
In Linux (Ubuntu), how do you move all the files and directories to the parent directory?
find . -maxdepth 1 -exec mv {} .. \;
this will move hidden files as well.
You will get the message:
mv: cannot move `.' to `../.': Device or resource busy
when it tries to move .
(current directory) but that won't cause any harm.
1It worked but you left one one very important bit of information - you must run this from the subdirectory. Also this will not delete the subdirectory itself so you must back up one directory and do a rmdir on the subdirectory. – crafter – 2016-05-10T16:50:54.817
1It will move all files from all subdirectories to the parent of the current directory, too. I'd use -maxdepth 1
to be sure. – ℝaphink – 2009-12-27T17:36:40.300
1Now it says:
mv: cannot move ./scripts' to
../scripts': Directory not empty – None – 2009-12-27T17:43:29.023
1You must have a directory called scripts in your parent directory AND in your current directory. You will have to rename this one before you move it. – ℝaphink – 2009-12-27T17:44:49.940
I came here because I'm new to this subject as well. For some reason the above didn't do the trick for me. What I did to move all files from a dir to its parent dir was:
cd to/the/dir
mv * ../
14This does not move hidden file though – Wavesailor – 2015-09-10T10:51:14.720
1 liner: (cd ${ANDROID_NDK_HOME}/android-ndk-r14b/ && mv * ../)
– Dawid Drozd – 2017-12-07T11:51:02.813
Type this in the shell:
mv *.* ..
That moves ALL the files one level up.
The character *
is a wildcard. So *.deb
will move all the .deb files, and Zeitgeist.*
will move Zeitgeist.avi and Zeitgeist.srt one folder up, since, of course, ..
indicates the parent directory.
To move everything including folders, etc, just use *
instead of *.*
Its a nice documentary – BlackBurn027 – 2016-11-17T06:36:27.173
It works with dirs, at least for me. – maaartinus – 2011-01-25T21:21:46.157
5You want *
not *.*
to include directories – Chris S – 2013-04-19T19:58:41.073
3this didn't work with the dirs! or the hidden files – None – 2009-12-27T17:34:44.860
It can't be more simple than:
mv * ../
To also move hidden files:
mv /path/subfolder/{.,}* /path/
is a command to move files, *
means all files and folders and ../
is the path to the parent directory.
In bash you can use shopt -s dotglob to make * match all files and move them simply by
shopt -s dotglob; mv * ..
This is not the best solution since the setting is permanent for the shell until you change it by
shopt -u dotglob
but I think it's good to know.
Good answer - it's simple, includes hidden files and doesn't cause an error about copying '.' and '..' – Daniel Howard – 2017-11-09T13:06:36.113
4Call it in a subshell: (shopt -s dotglob && mv * ..)
. That way, the option is only local to that subshell. – Martin Ueding – 2013-01-26T20:25:57.573
A method which causes no errors and works every time:
ls -1A . | while read -r file
mv "./${file}" ..
find . -maxdepth 2 -type f -exec mv {} .. \;
I used a variation of above to move all the files from subfolders into the parent.
I'd got data in folders by year, but found by using metadata I could have them all in the same folder which made it easier to manage.
There is no need to change directories. Just include * at the end of path:
mv /my/folder/child/* /my/folder/
Above only moves non hidden files. To move only hidden files use .*
mv /my/folder/child/.* /my/folder/
Above two can be combined in to one command:
mv /my/folder/child/{.,}* /my/folder/
Also see: How to move all files including hidden files into parent directory via *
find -type f|while read line; do mv $line ${line##*/}; done
Thanks for contributing an answer. While this might work in simple scenarios, piping find
into while read
is a bad way to use find
, and better answers have already been posted. – Scott – 2018-12-13T16:29:29.250
It's simple to move all files and folders to the parent directory in Linux.
Go to that folder and use this command:
mv * /the full path
For example, if your files and folders are as follows:
Go to that folder via cd:
cd /home/abcuser/test
mv * /home/abcuser
All your files and folders will move to the abcuser folder (parent directory).
2Thanks @Gareth, was about to the same. Abhishek, please don't post any unrelated links, where's the sense in that? Also, check your formatting please. Additionally, /the full path
does not work in Linux, you have to escape spaces with /the\ full\ path
. – slhck – 2011-11-03T11:47:00.910
Assuming all your hidden files begin with dot followed by a letter or a number (which they should), you could use
mv * .[A-Za-z0-9]* ..
The .[A-Za-z0-9]*
part is to make sure you don't try to move .
or ..
along, which would fail.
switch to sub directory and execute following command for copy or move files.
ex: a is parent directory and b is sub directory, we want to move/copy all files from b to a (sub directory to parent directory).
cd b
cp * ..
mv * ..
Welcome to Super User! This duplicates another answer and adds no new content. Please don't post an answer unless you actually have something new to contribute. – DavidPostill – 2016-05-20T10:46:32.360
the question with by far the most complete answer i found: https://unix.stackexchange.com/q/6393/93768
– DJCrashdummy – 2018-09-06T18:39:32.427