how to grep exact pattern


I’ve tried several grep / egrep ideas with different options but none worked here. I’m trying to grep exact match of the pattern I’m looking in a log.

For example I want only a pattern “ERROR” to get grepped, rather than a word “ERROR123.”

I have two patterns to check Error/Exception. I’m looking for a solution where I can only grep, egrep, awk or sed the exact match.

Here is the update:

ERRCNT=`cat $LogFile | tail -c +$lastPosition | head -c +$difference | grep -qw "$EXPR1|$EXPR2"`

if  [ -n "$ERRCNT" ]; then 

echo "$MSG : $PATTERN" 

exit 2;



exit 0;


When I see a pattern "Error / Exception" I need to get alerted. But when I have a pattern - Exceptioncase / Errornote. it also throws an exit2. I only need it on “Error / Exception.”

Any suggestions ?


Posted 2015-02-20T02:14:34.643

Reputation: 19

I suggest that you clarify your question. ERROR123 *does* match the pattern ERROR (because it contains ERROR). So, are you looking for lines that contain E, R, R, O, and R and nothing else? Or are you looking for occurrences of the word ERROR? How do you define word? Does it have to be preceded and followed by spaces? Or can it be preceded and/or followed by punctuation? Finally, please tell what operating system you are using. – G-Man Says 'Reinstate Monica' – 2015-02-20T02:37:43.397

G-Man, thanks for a quick turn on this. I want to be able to grep only word - Error / Exception, nothing more that that, not a tailing or a head word. Just those matches. The words have spaces before and ending. It's Linux!!! – user324391 – 2015-02-20T02:38:57.690

I think you need to provide some example lines, and your attempts to search/grep them, and your desired output. Grep can find lines containing an exact string, or an entire line... but I can't guess an answer – Xen2050 – 2015-02-20T03:17:33.390

how about [[:space:]]ERROR[[:space:]] …? – stib – 2015-02-20T03:56:40.270

Why are you using option q/"quiet" in grep -qw if you want to capture the pattern? – aff – 2015-02-28T01:10:58.900

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