How to get back to type-ahead search in Nautilus?



Is there a way to use type-ahead search rather than "filtering" in newer Nautilus versions (I use 3.14 on Fedora 21)?

E.g., when I type in "worl" in a directory with files named Hello and World, Hello just gets filtered out - while what I want is to move current selection to World, without any filtering in a current directory. The latter behavior can be seen in Ubuntu's version of Nautilus, while on Fedora there's no such a setting in Options window or in dconf.


Posted 2015-02-19T20:09:15.840

Reputation: 201



From Fedora 21: Typeahead search in Nautilus possible? :

The type-ahead search is not supported in GNOME. It works in Ubuntu, because Ubuntu developers created a patch to re-enable this behavior but it has never been accepted by GNOME developers.

Might be easier to just install nemo and use that.


Posted 2015-02-19T20:09:15.840

Reputation: 306 093