Unknown screenshot program


I've run into some problems on my Windows 8.1 desktop: when I press AltGr+x (which should, on my keyboard layout, produce letter “ź”), some unknown to me screengrabing app starts.

The thing is, I don’t remember installing any, nor can I find any suspicious process. It also doesn’t grab PrintScreen, Alt+PrintScreen etc.

Can one find which program responds that key shortcut? Or possibly one of you could help me identify that program from screenshots?


enter image description here After:

enter image description here


Posted 2015-02-15T14:38:25.790

Reputation: 41

What web browser are you using? It could be a browser extension. Does it show up when you're not browsing the web? For instance, if you presses RightAlt+X on your desktop, does it still show? – Vinayak – 2015-02-15T14:50:11.523

Yes, it does show even then. – Althorion – 2015-02-15T15:06:29.413

Do you have SnagIt installed?

– Vinayak – 2015-02-15T15:12:01.833

No. At least, it doesn’t show on Add/Remove Programs list and I don’t have anything with that name on my hard drive. – Althorion – 2015-02-15T15:17:57.227

This might help - http://superuser.com/a/191090/167187

– Vinayak – 2015-02-15T16:11:23.910

Please post the name of the screenshot program with the "Your Answer" form, so other users can benefit from it instead of asking the same question again. – None – 2015-02-16T23:05:52.150



That screenshot program was part of a Performance Monitor of a Advance SystemCare 8.1.


Posted 2015-02-15T14:38:25.790

Reputation: 41


Definitely Advanced SystemCare's Performance Monitor Screenshot function (searching for it and not knowing what program was very aggravating for me as well) and it would happen while gaming, effectively freezing me in place in usually the worst possible way. Even after canceling the utility, it forced a system restart before proper keyboard function was restored.

You can change the keybinding by expanding (click the "+" to the right of CPU %) the Performance Monitor then clicking the dropdown under "Screenshot"

I was able to bind it to "None" by making too complex of a key combination (I believe it was Alt+Ctrl+Shift+Keypad_5) though I don't know if this will revert on restarts or updates

Seth Lawson

Posted 2015-02-15T14:38:25.790

Reputation: 11


There might also be a program called "Game Assistant" that is also from IoBit, you can remove that hot key from the settings there.

Look for:

"Game Assistant" or "Superb Game Boost"

I suggest removing both If installed

I was trying what was shown above with no result untill I found out that I had "Game Assistant" installed.

Andrew Browne

Posted 2015-02-15T14:38:25.790

Reputation: 1