How to do record all programs activity on a PC and CPU/network/traffic usage on windows 7?


I would like to analyze all activities on my Win7 PC, of any programs. I speak about CPU and memory usage, Network/Internet traffic consumption, but on daily basis.

How can i record that activities log with all the data?


Posted 2015-02-13T18:33:39.673

Reputation: 21



A good starting tool should by the ProcessMonitor from Microsoft Sysinternals.

You can download it from here:

Wernfried Domscheit

Posted 2015-02-13T18:33:39.673

Reputation: 507

The sysinternals tools are well worth the time to learn to use. Many issues I couldn't figure out were solved quickly once you find and use the right tool. – Doug Watkins – 2015-02-15T16:47:05.403


If you want to record the data the tools are built into Windows natively, this is called the Windows performance monitor.

This allows to record all data and/or create events that will trigger recording.


Posted 2015-02-13T18:33:39.673

Reputation: 675