Debug "Aw, Snap!" error in Chrome



I studied this related question, but am still stumped.

I have an application that periodically shows the "Aw, Snap!" error screen, and to debug it, I have:

  1. Launched Chrome with verbose logging enabled
  2. Caused the tab to crash
  3. Found the debug file (on Mac, ~/Library/Application Support/Google/Chrome/chrome_debug.log)
  4. Examined the file for informative errors

But I haven't been able to find anything pertinent to the crash. Which is surprising. I expected some prominent ERROR level log entry with lots of details.

What would I expect to see in the log for an "Aw, Snap!" tab crash? Am I even looking in the right place? If not, where can I get crash details?


Posted 2015-02-13T03:22:49.200

Reputation: 161

2Having this exact problem. The diagnostics for this browser are worse than useless. – Vector Gorgoth – 2015-10-27T20:46:03.970

1Also in the same boat. I don't think the browser logs are meant for debugging tab crashes. If I understand this correctly, then Chrome tabs are individual processes, which are just wrapped into a single Window. A tab crash is a proper application crash and needs to be debugged like any other native compiled program running into an exception. They just make it sound like it's a cute and harmless problem with that website, when it's really their browser falling apart. – Someone – 2016-05-12T21:38:01.450

Would love to learn from you if you discover a way to approach this, @Someone. – Chris – 2016-05-12T22:17:58.297


Possible duplicate of How to determine what is causing Chrome to show the "Aw, Snap" dialogue

– kenorb – 2018-01-05T17:33:56.507

@kenorb the first sentence of my post is a link to that question, and how it didn't help. – Chris – 2018-01-07T05:04:42.557



If no error is found in the log file while running with logging (--enable-logging --v=1), try to run Chrome from the command-line, sometimes it should show more.

On macOS to display logs from Chrome, you can run this command:

log stream --level debug --predicate 'processImagePath contains "Google"'

or by running Console app. If no error is shown, check for any crash dumps (location should be printed in the log). In Console app, crash files can be found under User Reports section (or directly in ~/Library/Logs/DiagnosticReports folder).

If you found related Chrome crash file, check which Thread crashed and find its stack trace, which can point to the cause.

If stack trace consists only memory addresses, you've two possibilities:

  • Report the problem at Chrome bug tracking system including your uploaded local crash report ID (see: chrome://crashes/), so they can be translated by Chrome maintainers using debug symbols.
  • Compile Chrome from the source (takes a long time), then run directly from the Terminal. After that, each “Aw, Snap!” error should be followed by the full stack trace including functions and line in the source code file where it happened.

See also:


Posted 2015-02-13T03:22:49.200

Reputation: 16 795