Keyboard shortcut to "click" text highlighted with Ctrl+F


I spend a lot of time hunting for specific links within massive pages of text with Ctrl+F, then opening those links. I would like to do this entirely with keyboard shortcuts. I have this figured out for Chrome, but need to know how to do the same in Internet Explorer.

In Chrome:

  • Ctrl+F to search for specific text, enter to toggle between results
  • Ctrl+Enter "clicks" the selected text.

In IE:

  • Ctrl+Enter does nothing, sadly.



Posted 2015-02-11T05:56:14.410

Reputation: 13



Once Ctrl+F has selected a result, press Esc to close the Find search box.

Then press Enter.


Posted 2015-02-11T05:56:14.410

Reputation: 1 471

Ha! But of course! That was easy, thank you! – Feliz – 2015-02-11T15:13:00.247

You're welcome :). If it solved your problem, please mark the answer as accepted. – Garrulinae – 2015-02-12T00:16:24.660