ConEmu: quake style instance + classic window instance


I already have a running quake-style instance of ConEmu. The problem is that I would like to launch another non-quake (running in normal window) instance. Is it possible?


Posted 2015-02-04T18:29:13.250

Reputation: 123



Why do not to look at switches? ConEmu.exe -?

At least you may use -noquake -nosingle switches. Or another named configuration with -config <name>. Or load config from another xml -loadcfgfile <ConEmuXml>.


Posted 2015-02-04T18:29:13.250

Reputation: 19 395

Sorry for the not very bright question and thanks for the cool answer! – clime – 2015-02-04T19:26:33.003

/NoQuake doesn't really work cause Single instance mode is forced with quake mode. So if I have ConEmu running (in quake mode) and I execute Conemu.exe -noquake, the already existing instance is shown. I used the solution with multiple configs - I have one config in registry and another one in an xml file. A disadvantage is that I generally want to share large part of the configuration which i cannot do atm. – clime – 2015-02-05T07:29:24.993

2Answer updated. -nosingle – Maximus – 2015-02-05T11:27:49.220