Adding Markdown Sytnax recognition to NotePad++ via UserDefineLang.xml


I want to add MArkdown as a language to NotePad++. I've downloaded the UserDefineLang.xml file from this GitHub Project.

As I understand it, I am supposed to simply copy the UserDefineLang.xml file into the NotePad++ Program Folder and then restart NotePad++.

However, I still don't see any "Markdown" Option in the "Language" Menu. I've checked if there is a special local User-Folder for Notpad++ in my User-Directory, but I could not find any.

What am I doing wrong (as nobody else seems o have this problem)?


Posted 2015-01-31T11:32:12.253

Reputation: 11

What version of Notepad++ are you running? – Sathyajith Bhat – 2015-01-31T13:55:19.657



I just had the same experience as you. While the directions say to use the program directory, it should say to use this C:\Users\<your user name>\AppData\Roaming\Notepad++

Either place or edit the UserDefineLang.xml in that location and it will work.

for a shortcut to that location do: Click start, run, type %APPDATA%\Notepad++


Posted 2015-01-31T11:32:12.253

Reputation: 11

Note that this doesn't apply to the portable version of notepad++ – DavidPostill – 2015-11-14T17:26:21.510