Add item to “New” context menu in Windows 8 for only one user without admin rights


I am trying to edit the registry on my windows 8 computer so that I can create a batch(.bat) file from the "new" menu. The only problem is I don't have admin rights. So I was doing some research and found that you can edit some parts of the registry. Is there some way that I can edit the menu for just my user so I don't need admin rights? maybe would it be in "HKEY_CURRENT_USER". Also I currently have this which needs admin rights:

Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00



@="Blank Batch file"


Posted 2015-01-24T04:19:22.733

Reputation: 61

What are you asking? You appear to want some for of superuser abilities without actually being a superuser. Is that it? I don't get it. – killermist – 2015-01-24T05:12:32.887



Not tried, but:

HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT is a combined view of two registry branches:


The combined view shows the data in the local machine brach by default when there is no data (same key/value) in the current user branch, but the current user branch has precedence. So, in theory, the equivalent to your posted code should be

Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00



@="Blank Batch file"

As it is writting under the current user branch, there is no need for admin rights.


Posted 2015-01-24T04:19:22.733

Reputation: 1 286