What is the difference between these two ways of telneting


I'm trying to check to see if a port is open on something. If I

telnet licensemanager.domain.edu 25734

then I get a black screen waiting for input (blinking cursor)

but if I telnet and then o licensemanager.domain.edu 25734 it just sits on Connecting To licensemanager.domain.edu...

and if I try to connect with something like putty it says Connection closed by remote host

My question is: what is the difference? can anyone explain what the functional difference is?


Posted 2015-01-22T14:05:57.957

Reputation: 1 331

So the only difference between the two commands is the additional character? Why are you adding that extra character? – Ramhound – 2015-01-22T14:16:02.530

1"telnet xxx" and "telnet" with "o xxx" should behave the same. Regarding putty: do you telnet or ssh with putty? Are you doing all tests on the same machine? – Werner Henze – 2015-01-22T14:22:28.257

1when you open the telnet prompt o or open specify to open a session with whatever <server> <port> you need. – PsychoData – 2015-01-22T14:22:30.397

@WernerHenze same machine. and that was my understanding as well regarding the two versions of telnet. While I normally use putty for SSH, it has a telnet option that I tried while I was trying to telnet. I didn't think that SSHing would be very effective telneting – PsychoData – 2015-01-22T14:23:18.290

1If you are really interested what is going on you might do a network trace (for example with wireshark) and dig deeper. – Werner Henze – 2015-01-22T14:27:10.277

1The difference between the first two is that if you open Telnet in interactive mode (o licensemamager...) it doesn't clear the screen first, which is why it seems to hang on "Connecting...". As for PuTTY I'd check to make sure it's configured correctly. – Duncan X Simpson – 2015-01-28T18:53:14.130

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